Project 12

Discovering Discipleship in the 21st Century

P12 Mission Tour- Glenn’s Notes Part 4

Posted by gkaiser on May 17, 2010

The tour took the team to Bushnell where we stayed at JPUSA’s own Cornerstone Farm.

I was not able to attend the Cafe Aroma show but got good reports from them about it. I had to tend to a messed-up fridge needing serious scrubbing…

But it was Prom and graduation night for many area schools, etc., so a small crowd but a good night.

Early Sun. morning we all loaded the vans and headed to Madison Ave. United Methodist in Peoria.

I have a number of good friends there, and Pastor Bill and also another Pastor Bill (from Peoria Outreach Center/City Church) linked up with us for a wonderful 11 a.m. service.

The people responded very kindly and in this particular setting, myself and Ami led worship, then most of the P12ers joined Ami for a song, and they finished with two from the production, then I brought the message. The response was very encouraging.

And I must say, after a late night, all were really in the Spirit, happy and worked and interacted very well, especially considering what an early morning it was for them.

One of our students comes from the area, and we got word her Mom invited the crew over for dinner, so Curt and I went back to Cstone Farm to take our wives out (we sure missed ’em on this tour!) while the rest of staff and students went to hang out in a local park and then to dinner there in Peoria.

All said they had a blast, great cooking and serious worship and music late into the night, all getting back safe.

Today and tomorrow we rest up at Cornerstone Farm, then Weds. night head to Rock Church in East Peoria for the last show on the trip.

It’s raining off and on, but all who wanted to slept in, are walking, hanging out, in the Word, playing games or watching videos here and there. Cozy day, really, as I write, more overcast but a bit more rain is likely.

Thursday we do a full clean of all the mobile homes where we stayed at Cstone, pack up and head home to Chicago where they do their last show of the tour on Friday night at the Garden Room, Chelsea House, 920 W. Wilson.

So even with rain and cooler weather, hearts are warm and Jesus is truly moving- thanks so much for your prayers! -Glenn

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